Friday, March 11, 2011

Sea Lions and Otters in Monterey Bay

So if you have been following my twitter feeds you know the Tomme and I are in Monterey, CA this week and I have been really enjoying training for the marathon in a warm place by the ocean. For me it's a vacation, but Tomme is in class during the day at the Naval Post Graduate School. So what do I do to fill the time during the day? Well aside from running I went kayaking in the bay a couple of days ago and it was fantastic.

It was absolutely beautiful and serene (except for the area around the very loud sea lions), and perfectly warm with the wet suit on. I had never seen sea lions anywhere except the zoo so despite their loudness and extreme stinkiness it was really cool to see.

But undoubtedly the cutest thing I saw was a sea otter floating on it's back with it's little baby lying on it's stomach and snuggled in mom's neck. It was so freaking cute I couldn't stand it.

The otter swimming away with it's baby.

I definitely had a great time out there and would recommend it to anyone visiting Monterey. The kayak was only $25 bucks and it included the wet suit. So if you are in the area and want to try it I recommend Monterey Kayaks on Del Monte Ave.

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