Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pancake Boots

In my last blog I explained I am training for a mini-marathon. When I go for runs I often bring our dog Pancake along. She loves this! In fact she knows that I am going running the second I pull my shoes out, and from that point on she is going crazy. She whines, jumps, barks, and cries until she is on her leash and is outside running with me. However fairly recently she hurt her foot while running with me and ripped part of the paw pad off. So per doctor's orders I did not run with her for two weeks, and she hated seeing me leave the house in my running shoes without her. I know this because as soon as I would go out the front door she would run upstairs to the window and bark at me until I was out of sight. So when it was time for her to run again we thought we should do something to prevent such an injury in the future. So we bought doggie booties. The reason I decided to write about such a minor event is because the video of Pancake trying to walk with them on for the first time is hilarious and had to post it. So if you need a smile, please enjoy.

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